Something I've noticed about Kenny's songs. With most of them, there is some memory the songs kick into stirring and wandering through my mind. It's not a bad thing. It's not necessarily a good thing either. It's just a thing, the miracle of God's wondrous creation called the brain.
I remember watching cute boys on tractors (Hey! I am a pure bred country girl!), high school football games, riding in the bed of a pickup truck with friends, etc. I would guess most of us have had to be enlightened the next day about fun from the previous evening, at some point or another, right? Some of the songs make me long for the things I don't have: love; a husband; children; a house. I remember things I do have, with other songs. There are lyrics that make me miss people I will always love, people I have loved and people I thought I loved.

I miss some things from my past, but I cannot bring them with me to the future, except as part of what makes me who I am today. I can be closed off and cold, because of past pains. I have a wicked sense of humor. It's a talent I developed by learning and sharing jokes with some of the funniest people on Earth. I can be a peacemaker. I can lead and I can follow. I can smile. I can cry. I can be and will always be a survivor.
The strength of who I am today will always be in where I came from, and will grow because of where I am headed. Music keeps me balanced. Music keeps me sane. Music keeps me safe.
P.S. Don't tell my little sister, but I think I've found a new appreciation of Kenny's music. Doesn't hurt that he has a sweet tush, either...LOL!!
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