I have friends who have so much of which to be proud. I find them humble beyond words. It makes me happy to know them and to have them in my life.
I have another friend...well, truthfully, I don't know that I can call him that anymore. He has become so full of himself, sometimes I am ashamed to admit I've ever spoke to him. His heart is as big as Texas, but he is absolutely caught up in himself. No one gets to see his heart. It makes me sad.
Funny thing, try as I might, I miss the man with the heart. There was time he was sweet, kind, even humble. I guess getting most of the things you want in life can change you for the worst. The immediate loss - mine. The long term loss, in friendship, companionship and love, all his.
I keep him in my prayers. I pray he continues to be successful, but I am a little selfish when I pray for him. I pray that God will cause my old friend, with the heart, to reappear. So far, that prayer has been answered with a "not now" response. I'll keep praying that prayer. Maybe someday, I will get to meet that friend again. There is love and friendship waiting for him, when he comes back. Even if he isn't exactly like before, any portion of that former self will be a welcome change from who he has become.