Yeah, I'm a fan.
This weekend was a roller coaster for Ryan Reeves fans. Ryan Reeves, the man who plays Ryback in the ring. His Twitter account was very active this weekend. Rumors are rampant that his account was hacked, that he was fired, that he quit...and of course, SOP for his account, it was tweet and delete. Unless you were on Twitter when the tweets went out, chances are you didn't see them unless another fan retweeted them before deletion. Otherwise, as most WWE fans know, there's a running history of Superstar tweets on the WWE website. If you are interested, you can read the tweets here.
I'm not sure what to make of the rampage of tweets. The rumors are raging around the dirt sheets, online rags and legit wrestling news sites. Nothing official has been announced by the WWE. My opinion, best to wait on the official word from the company. If I had to guess, my hope would be a big build up to a new high mark in Ryan's career. Am I right? Am I wrong? I do not know. What I do know, I have been a fan, devoted and hardcore, since the first time I saw Ryan on RAW in 2012. He made his debut as Ryback a few weeks earlier on SmackDown, but RAW was the big deal. The live show. The match was over quickly. He wrestled a pair of jobbers, and finished them off with his signature move, Shell Shock.

If the tweets were a hack, it's just another in the long line of asshole moves by someone who has targeted the Big Guy for harassment. He has drawn the ire of many a WWE Universe fan because he isn't like all the others. It's a well known fact that the matches are scripted. Wrestlers know who will win and know basically what moves they will perform during the match. That being said, as with all things, the matches are not perfect. There will be errors, and all of the wrestlers make them. But for some reason, Ryan has always seemed to be a target of the internet wrestling critics (IWC). I don't give a damn about what they think. I have watched enough wrestling to know that shit happens, and there ain't a single wrestler on the roster that doesn't botch. So the IWC can STFU!

Do I really know anything? No. I am an observer only, making guesses till the real word comes down from the company. Anything said here - strictly my opinion. I have no secret sources, none of that shit. I'm a fan who now waits to see what will happen next. Having the fans anxiously waiting, probably the whole point behind this past weekend's activity. Ryan tweeted he arrived at the location for RAW tonight. If he had quit, would he really be there? I mean, being the East Coast, cold, wet, dreary...and he's from out west, from somewhere the sun tends to shine often?? Again, I suppose it's wait and see.
Meantime, I will once again declare myself a rabid, devoted, hardcore, completely infatuated fan of Ryan Reeves and his wrestling character, Ryback. I have been a fan for two years, and will continue to be a fan, regardless of where his career takes him. Far as I'm concerned, #RybackWillAlwaysRule!!