My life is still in a huge amount of upheaval but I have discovered that I need to write. My blog is a fantastic outlet for I am back.
It is the night before Thanksgiving in my beautiful, beleaguered United States. I may complain (often) about things that aggravate, agitate and irritate me, but I have much to be thankful for too.
The past year, especially the last six or seven months, has brought many changes in my life. I've lost two beloved pets; lost my job; lost enough weight to create another person; joined a gym; started college and made some really fantastic new friends. I've learned to look at life in a more positive light, with the help of one or two of my new friends. My old friends are still wonderful and greatly supportive but they had come to the conclusion (I believe) that I was too pigheaded to ever change my outlook on life. The two new friends I write of are as fucking stubborn as I am, and they would not take 'no' for an answer when it came to me needing an attitude adjustment.
I have to admit, as difficult as it is for me, I am extremely grateful these friends did not give up on me. They may be distant as far as miles are concerned but they are close to my heart in many ways, just like the friends I have had for many years. I am thankful for all of my amazing, gorgeous, fabulous friends. Not only am I thankful for them, but I LOVE THEM! They are a joy like none other in my life.
I am thankful for my family. Though I have my issues with them, as all families are known to do, they care enough about me to nose in on occasion. I do not agree with them always, in fact, not normally these days, but I am glad they love me anyway - and I love them. I hope they know that.
I am thankful for a heart that is able to be open and caring about people, even when they are far away from me. I think of my new friends, my old friends and my family, near and far. Having an open heart does allow for me to be hurt, and sometimes that hurt is very hard to bear, but in the long run, I am better off than those that close their heart to all of the wonderful things that feeling love and tenderness, care and concern, can bring. I have been broken hearted, I have been sad but when that passes, I am stronger, wiser and more appreciative of the ones that love me in return.
I am thankful for medical science. No, I am not ill but two people who mean the world to me are, and medical science will be the reason I am allowed to keep them for a few years longer. Medical science also brought my mom back to health after four major surgeries in the past year (three of them were emergency surgeries).
As you know, my mother and I do not typically see eye to eye, but we have learned to find some common ground. I love my mom very much and I am extremely happy to have her here with me. I miss my dad, and I wish he was still here too. My parents may have been strict, sometimes harsh, but I always knew, in my heart, they loved me. That makes me a very lucky woman.

Happy Thanksgiving my friends, my readers! May you have a strong attitude of gratitude this season, and all the year through.