Sunday, September 29, 2013

A little weird

I have been a night owl since before I was born, according my mother.  I was a restless baby in utero, especially at night.  From the moment I was born, I have preferred to sleep during the day.  I would much rather be active at night, when the world is quiet and peaceful.

Some believe it is odd that I function with a clearer head after sunset.  For me, it is normal.  I find it hard to function after the sunrise.
Add to the equation the fact that I am extremely fair skinned, shadow and shade have always been my friends.  I tend to stay indoors or under cover of trees, porches, etc. when outside during the day.  I much prefer pale skin over lobster red skin.

When I was a teenager, I had some very gullible friends convinced that I was a new breed of vampire.  (Yep, I have always been a creative monster.)  Of course, I'm not all sparkly like those vamps from the Twilight series, but I walked around in the daylight.  I just wasn't comfortable in the sun, lol!!  Thank goodness no one wanted me to prove that I drank blood to survive!!

Along with being a night person, I am also an insomniac.  I have a great deal of difficulty sleeping at any time of day.  Eventually I crash and sleep but it usually takes days with very little sleep before that ever happens.  I only know a few people with a similar sleep issue, and most of them are family.

I do have a friend or two that have sleep issues also.  One has kept me company in recent months via Twitter.  He has the same problem.  It was a great feeling to find a kindred spirit out there in the virtual world.  We have kept each other entertained with conversations that range from average to adult.  Similar souls in out of the way places making contact and becoming friends.

Sometimes, the universe does grant us the blessing of a good friend who gets "it".  He has helped me to keep a sane head on my shoulders, and to develop a positive attitude to replace a lifetime of negativity.  There's been a few times when his words have made the difference between a crash n burn into self pity and a genuine shift to believing in myself.  I don't know if he realizes how much of a difference he has made in how I see myself.  His real life is very busy, yet he takes time to talk to me.  I've always thought I was just weird.  He has made me realize what I am is special, not weird.  He has made me feel blessed to have him as my friend.

I may be a little weird, but there isn't a damn thing wrong with that.  So what if folks don't get that I would rather prowl the world at night.  There are other people out there that do understand and that's more than anyone can ask, another soul that knows what it is like to operate best during the dark hours on the clock.

A little different, a bit weird...whatever!  It makes me the person I am, and I am pretty fucking awesome.      


Feeling the love

The past year has been spent working on personal improvements.  I have lost weight.  I go to the gym.  I went back to school.  I have worked hard to find a more positive view of my life and the world around me.  

I have stepped out of my comfort zone and made friends with folks who I may never meet face to face.  They have become a vital part of these changes I have made, because they have taught me something of my self worth.  These friends have accepted me for who I am inside: my loving heart, my caring soul; my quick wit and my often smart ass attitude.  Generally speaking, they do not care that I am a forty something who has never married, does not have children and struggles occasionally with mood swings because of bipolar disorder.  Unlike many people who have physically met me, they do not look at the fact that I am a short redhead with a truckload of freckles.  They see me with the eyes of their heart.  They loved me for who I am inside before they ever knew what I looked like.  

I have come to accept these new friends and all they have offered my life.  I have been provided a unique view of myself from their perspective.  It is a perspective that I could not have by any other way.  They have shown me care and concern.  They have given me support and encouragement.  These long distance friends have shown me love in a way that I have never experienced before.  These friends have made me feel love for them unlike anything I have ever had reason to express until now.  In fact, putting that feeling into words is very difficult, because it ranges so far and wide within my very soul.  Without these virtual friends, there are times in the past year, I may very well have given up on my goals to be a better me.  Their cheerleading has kept me going when I felt like quitting, when I felt like surrendering to failure was my only option.  Their gentle prodding pushed me forward, made me continue to strive for my destination - a better, stronger, healthier me.  They have made me feel beautiful and worthy of the effort.  They have taught me to think positively and positive things will come back to me.  

Imagine my surprise when I found they were right.   

I am not saying that the friends I have close by physically view me in any way but with love.  I know they love me...they love all of me.  But their first impressions of me were built on what they saw, not what they felt.  Strangely enough, they love me anyway.  My friends close by are friends that will be with me always, of that I am certain.  Even when we do not speak for weeks or months on end, I know all I have to do is reach out.  They will be there with love and support, providing strength that only friendship can provide.  They have carried me through difficult times in the past and I know they will be there for anything new that comes up, just like I will be there for them.  I will never question their love for me.  It has been ever present and enduring, regardless of circumstance.  

Now I am able to draw strength from a new source.  I can draw on the love from a new group of friends.  Like my friends close to home, this new group of friends bring me strength and provide support.  The positive energy they send makes my world a much better place.  I can only hope they can feel the love, strength and positive energy I send out to them everyday.  

I am a very lucky woman.  I just want them to know that.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Why I blog

Someone recently asked me why I have a blog.  My first thought was "Why does it matter to you?".  Flippant, I suppose but it truly was what came to mind.  Then I started to think about it.  Why do I blog?  Here's what I've come up with...

I blog because I like to write.  The process of letting the words flow from my mind to my fingertips and onto the computer screen is therapeutic.  Writing helps me to work out issues that are bothering me, share things that make me happy, find consolation from situations that make me cry.  With my blog, I can let friends in on what is happening in my life, tell stories that some of them will recall fondly and let new friends in on what makes me tick.  No, I don't think that blogging makes me special.  What I think is if something I have been through can help another person, then it is my obligation to tell my tale(s).
I blog because it gives me a way to openly reach out to the people I love, old and new.  I can tell them I am here for them or I really appreciate your support.  It gives me a chance to provide empathy and compassion to those same friends and family when they need it.  It is the virtual hug that reminds them they are not alone.

I have struggled throughout most of my life with depression and feeling very negative about this world we live in.  It is because of my friends that I have learned there is so much more to this world when you stop looking at it as 'a glass is half empty'.  My blog helps my friends, some who lead very busy lives, to know when I need a little backup.  

I have found that by writing I have been able to open up my mind to new possibilities, new opportunities, new ways of looking at problems I may face.  I write my blog and fight the loneliness that comes in the middle of the night.  I write my blog and share strength with others to face the next day.  I read the comments and draw strength that I need to face the sunrise and what it may bring.  

From my love for cats, my obsession with Ryback, my family, and my friends who mean the world to me, I guess there is a selfish element to it.  I admit that.  I enjoy the feedback that I get.  I need that feedback some days.  Occasionally I am the one in need of the virtual hug, lol.  When my soul is darkened by a fear,  sorrow or anger, blogging helps to release that pain.  I write it away.  By venting via my blog, I get to move forward instead of being stuck in one place, bitching and moaning.  

My life is not awful in any way.  It isn't perfect but if I were perfect, I wouldn't be here.  My life is beautiful.  There is much to wonder at and to see.  I am amazed that it took me this long to realize that I had to choose to be happy and not wait for it to come to me.  If it were not for three very special people (my 'sis', my 'sista' and the big guy), I would probably still be spinning my wheels in the rut that was my life.  Don't look for me at that rut.  I ain't there.

I did make the one change all on my own, my decision to finally knuckle down and try to lose weight.  I've lost enough weight to make another whole person.  I haven't felt this good about myself ever.  Knowing that if I make up my mind to do something, I mean really do something, I can do it...what an awesome feeling that is!    Will it always work out like I plan?  Probably not, but that's cool.  I've learned that those little jigs left or dog-legs to the right are merely course corrections that I need to get where I'm going.  

Like I said previously, writing this blog is a way for me to communicate to others that anything is possible with the right mindset.  Is my mindset always clear and sunny?  Hell no!  I have found that by sharing I am able to shed those overpowering urges to boohoo and complain.  It lets me draw in a lot of positive energy from people who love me without having to call, text or message everyone of them.  Technology has made the world smaller, true, but it has allowed for people like me to reach out and grasp onto the hands of people willing to lift me up.

By blogging, I count my blessings.  I write of those gifts often.  I have a wonderous life, surrounded physically and virtually by people who I adore.  If I did not have my friends and my family, then I would be without hope.  BUT, I do have them.  I do love them.  

I will always need them in my life.           

Monday, September 23, 2013


I've had a WTF moment.  They come to us all, flashes of thought that smack us in the back of the head, Gibbs fashion.  Like usual, mine came to me in the middle of the night, while aimlessly playing games on Facebook.  A few seconds of why am I still in this podunk little town?  When do I start living my life for me?

Don't get me wrong.  I love my hometown.  It is quaint, quiet, conservative and centrally located in the 'fall is beautiful' Mid Atlantic.  A place where the annual Fourth of July festivities are the biggest and best excitement you will find all year.  I know what you're thinking, Fourth of July is the biggest excitement?  Yep!  That's what I'm saying...

My family is here.  They are the reason I have stayed put for all these years.  Shit!  The police chief is my big brother.  Yeah, I'm connected, lol!  NOT!!  A gangbanger dealing meth to middle school students would get preferential treatment before I ever would!  

If I am brutally honest with myself, for years I didn't think I deserved to be happy.  Highly ingrained self doubt and severely lacking in self confidence, I figured if I left the hometown I'd be a failure and come running home anyway.  Why move, right?  I'd would be doing twice the work and getting the same end result...lifelong fubar.

I am happy to announce that I have discovered that would be wrong.  I know I wrote recently that I was considering moving away.  I know now that when financially able, this girl is gonna get the fuck outta Dodge.  

There is so much out "there" that I want to do, but none of it is going to happen as long as I stay 'Boro-bound.  There is no opportunity for a woman like me in this town.  If I stay here, I will likely die a sad and lonely cat lady (News at 11, woman found dead in apartment, nose and cheeks eaten away by hungry pet cats...).  Well, at least for 5 minutes, my corpse would be famous, lol.  

I'm not going to let that happen.  I want to see things; do things; be something more than just the dutiful
daughter, crazy sister, weird aunt or responsible tenant.  I'm single.  I am childless.  I have options.  The longer I wait, the less likely it is that I will escape.  To me, that is what it would be, escape.  Leaving the 'Boro looks more and more necessary for me to grow and be myself.  I want out.

I am looking at the angles, observing the options and discovering that there is very little to hold me here in this dull little extension to all of those cities that are 'within easy driving distance'.  Whatever future I have does not include continued residence here.  I want to start actually living for myself, not worrying about what will this person think or what will that person say.  I want to break free.  I want it all and as long as I stay here, it ain't happening.  As my beautiful niece would say (and she's quoting the movie Zombieland ), it's time to 'nut-up or shutup'.  

From my own private perch, I can see she is right.  I need to decide where I am going to go and start job searching there.  I won't get to do even a quarter of what I want to do if I stay here.  New experiences, new job, new place...all of those things have a greater sense of value to me.  If I stay here, I will remain in a rut, caught in an interminable snow bank, unable to move forward.  I will remain more negative than positive, and I can't have that.  I have worked too hard to change how I look at the world.  Now I find this hick town is not exactly the 'world' I want to stay in.  

It's time to be me, but as long as I stay here, I will be held back.  It's time to leave town and free myself to be the person I want to be.  Here, I'm dying of boredom.  I have to take a chance.  I may discover that I'm the only thing that is boring when I hit the bricks to anywhere but here, but how do I know unless I try.  If I don't give it a shot, then I have failed myself.  I ain't gonna let that happen, no way in hell.  

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Another big change!

I have once again decided to make the effort to quit smoking.  I've done it before.  I always seem to fall back to the habit though.  I am NOT saying that I can't do it.  I know I can.  I've quit for as long as two years before lighting up again.  I just know that I am in for a fight to break that habit once more.

I have one really good reason to think that I will be successful this time.  I actually want to quit.  After smoking for...well, let's just say too long...I don't enjoy it anymore.  Now, smokers will get that.  Other people that have awesomely bad habits will get it too.  Most smokers keep smoking, regardless of the health risk, because they enjoy it.  It is it's own kind of stress reliever.  Anyone who has walked away from their desk, a meeting, etc., to have a smoke, knows exactly what I am talking about.  It is being able to step outside of whatever is going on and chill by having a cancer stick or two.

As a customer service rep in a large call center, breaks are normally on a set schedule.  If you are a smoker, your body gets use to that schedule.  When break time comes, you know it without looking at the clock.  Your brain and body are yelling at you for nicotine.  It is an evil addiction.  For some, it is more a habit than an addiction, but it is still an addiction no matter what.

I have always enjoyed the excuse to walk away from something to have a cigarette.  It would give me time to step away when there was something happening.  Say the words "I need a smoke." and most of my friends know that I need a moment to process and think.  Several take advantage of the opportunity to join me, since they are smokers too.  Smokers are their own little outcasts club, relegated to designated areas of businesses and other places.  Personally, I get that, since I happen to be a polite smoker.  I don't smoke around people that don't like it.  I know a lot of smokers who are a bit rebellious about the fact that there are few places to freely smoke.

Anyway, I have come to dislike so much about my nasty coffin nail habit.  I have set a date of September 30th for my last smoking day.  As of October 1st, I begin my smoke free journey.

I had put it off till I was further along in my weight loss adventure because I did not want to set myself up for defeat with failing to stop both bad habits.  Well, I've lost over 100 pounds (about 115 to be more accurate).  I've learned that exercise is not evil, lol!  I've changed my attitude and have stopped being so fucking negative (Positive friends are awesome!).  I figure now is the time to quit.  I have never been more emotionally prepared.  Mental preparedness?  That's why I'm giving myself to the end of September.  I know I have to get my brain ready for a big change like quitting smoking.  For me, that's how it is.  By getting my brain in the same place as my heart about being done with this habit, I know I will be successful.

Not that I won't need support.  Trust me!  First two weeks without a cigarette will be very gnarly for me and everybody else, lol!  If you pray, say a bunch of 'em.  If you are more of a sending good thoughts/positive vibes kind of person...send them too!!   Besides, if I can get through the first two weeks of October without a smoke, and without hurting anyone (LOL!!!) then I will be able to celebrate my birthday with some lasagna.  Leave me alone!!  It will be a double celebration...two weeks no smoke and my b-day!  Okay?  Hahaha!!!  Pasta is evil too, but one time in 7 or 8 months at that point, I think it will be a well deserved reward for this reformed Garfield and recovering smoker.  Wish me luck!!


Monday, September 16, 2013

My favorite time of year

FALL!!!  My favorite time of year!!  Hoodies, sweaters, the changing leaves, apple cider, my birthday...all great things about Fall!!  I love Fall!!!

Only one problem with comes directly before Winter.  I hate Winter!  I hate snow!  I hate ice!  I hate the cold, bitter, cut-straight-through-every-layer-of-clothing-to-your-bones wind!!!!  Scraping frost off of windows...hate it!!  Having to let my 18 year old car warm up for 15 minutes before going anywhere...hate it!!!

As a kid, Winter was great!  It meant 2 hour delays because of road conditions.  It meant cancellations - SNOW DAY!!!  Winter meant multiple long weekends because of the holidays.  It meant family, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year.  Sledding, ice skating, snowball battles, snow forts...all wonderful things.  Winter meant a new batch of baby goats to be born.  Wintertime was fantastic, when I was kid.

Well, I ain't a kid.  Winter stopped being fun YEARS AGO!!  

It doesn't matter if the roads are covered with snow and/or ice.  There are no snow days.  To make it worse, before I can go out on those dangerous slick highways, I have to dig out my car.  NOT FUN!!  Along with digging out the car, I have to clear the driveway before I can go to work, on hopefully salted roads.  The salt, which if not washed off regularly, ruins the paint job on my car, and can cause rust in the undercarriage.

Have I mentioned I hate Winter!

I am kvetching, I know!  Where I live, Winter is part of the deal.  We do actually get all four seasons in this area, so I suppose I shouldn't complain.  Spring looks like Spring with rain, budding flowers and budding trees (budding allergies, lol).  Summer is hot and humid, but the trees and the flowers are gorgeous.  Air conditioning fixes the problem with the temps and helps with the full bloom allergies too.

Fall...oh my beautiful Fall!  Every year I look forward to Fall.  I ignore the fact that Fall means Winter is just around the corner.  I enjoy the bright colors, the shorter days, the nighttime temperatures that allow you to see your breath.  Fall brings so many wonderful memories from years gone by.  Some are painful, but the times they come from are ones that will live forever in my soul.  Those times were key building blocks to who I am now.

I like who I am now.  I have learned from my mistakes.  I have grown from the hurts and the pain that I have felt...and I do not let them defeat me.  There has always been a part of me that was a fighter, but I had pushed her aside.  For a while, I was preferring to wallow in a truckload of self pity...which only let me get fat and lonely.

I am still a big girl by modern standards, but I am healthy, and losing weight.  I have developed a more positive outlook on my life and on life in general.  I lose my way occasionally and have to vent my negativity.  I know in the long run, I am better off because of the lessons I have learned throughout my life.  But there is something about the lessons from Fall that have stayed with me the longest.  Maybe it is because Fall is my favorite time of year that those memories stay close.  Truth be told, I don't know for sure.  What I do know is...

For everything that has happened, good or bad, in a few will never be enough to make me not enjoy this time of year.  All I have to do is breathe in the crisp, clean air and know that no matter what happens, no matter that Winter is coming soon, I can and will get through it to the green grass & flowers of Spring.

Ah, I love Fall.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Someone I truly admire

I have to admit it.  There are times that I look at people in their early 20's and wonder "WTF! These are the people who are going to run this world in 40 or 50 years?".  With some of them, the thought has me terrified!!!

Not all them, of course.  Keep in mind, I am slightly prejudiced.  I feel quite comfortable with the thought of my nephews and nieces running the world...or at least, running my world in 40 or 50 years.  I can't say that about many 20 somethings.

I have recently found out about another 20 something that I have no problem with the thought she may someday run the "world".  It is the oldest daughter of one of my dearest friends.  She is a nurse in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).  She spends her days caring for the tiniest, most fragile of humans.  She freely gives her heart to her little patients, watching over their every need.  She learns to know those children better than their mothers because of her close contact with them for 10, 12 hours a day.

When her mom posted this video for me to watch on Saturday, all I could do was cry as the images flickered in front of me.  Such small hands and feet...such sweet, precious lives...touched and made better only because a NICU nurse was there to make sure of it.  This is what her beautiful daughter does for living.

It would not be possible for me to do what this amazing young woman does in her chosen profession.  I would lose my heart.  My soul would be shattered with the loss of even one of those tiny babes.  I would not recover.  Yet this wonderful young person, everyday, devotes herself to one of the thousands of premature babies born.  I can only think of her with absolute awe and wonder.

The strength of character, the immense volume of heart that it takes to allow yourself to be open to all of the joy and the pain as these little ones thrive or die. I cannot begin to imagine what it must take to be able to walk into her department each day.  I admire her!  I think she is a most wonderful human being.

If I could know that in the future, the world would be run by people like her, I would have no fear for what would become of me in the winter of my life.  My darling friend has every reason and every right to be supremely proud of the young woman she and her husband raised.  If this girl were my daughter, I would brag to anyone who would listen of how she is such a fabulous person.

My 'sista', you and hubby did something very right.  Be proud J.  I have never met her, but I hope someday I will.  I want to be able to tell her in person what I think of her dedication and love for the smallest of us.  She is remarkable!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Giving it some thought

I've been tossing about the idea of moving.  I haven't even decided if I'm going to do it.  I've gotten frustrated with living here though.  There are few opportunities for someone like me, especially in such a small town.  So here's my thoughts...

I will only go north to the New England area if a really fantastic job would come through.  Otherwise, there ain't no way I'm moving up the Eastern seaboard.  No FUCKING way!!

I know I could go south.  I have family there and a good friend who has generously offered to help too, if I headed their direction.  I don't think I want to go south.  Their summers are brutal humid, not to mention that they get tornados and a lot of rain, especially during hurricane season.  Don't think I want to go south.

Don't want to go to the Midwest either.  Again, TORNADOS!!   Very few things petrify me, but that's one of them.  We've had a few in this area and every year when the season rolls around, I get anxious with every thunderstorm that comes through here.

As much as I hate winter, that leaves out the upper Midwest.  Those folks get more snow than my little brain wants to even think about, let alone live with.  So no MT, WY, ND, SD...or any of those other upper states.

The Northwest gets a bunch of rain, but because of where they are located, the temps aren't bad for most of the year.  They don't get tornados.  They don't have issues with earthquakes, unlike California...which is another one of those no go places.   The Northwest does get the occasional mudslide though, and I don't mean the drink with Kahlua.  Eh, possibility.

I have really considered the Southwest: AZ; NV; NM; CO; UT.  It would have to be an area where there is little to no the mountain regions are out!  I've considered northwest TX also, but just living in the same state as the Dallas Cowboys...nah...not a Redskins fan like me!  They would throw me out of the state quickly.

So, if I decide to stay in the States, it will probably be a move to the Southwest.

But, part of my thought process has been if I'm going to make a big move, then maybe I should make my dream move and head to Great Britain.  Any of the British Isles would work but particularly I would want to got to Wales or Ireland.  Yes, I know, they have real winters.  I get that...but just to be living there would be so awesome.  I've thought about it, seriously.  Plus, it would finally give my mom an excuse to travel there, I think.  She is a huge Anglophile (someone who likes all things British).

I don't know.  I have a lot to think about before I make any real decisions.  I'm still really young, so a big move is not a big deal.  It's just a matter of getting the funds together to do it.  So, first priority, get a job and save some money.  I may have to do another winter here with the snow and bitter wind.  If I play my cards right, maybe this will be the last winter I have to spend in the Mid Atlantic.

Okay, think I may have made my decision.  Now it's time to lay in the plan, and get started.  Let's see where this goes.  

Being me

I've learned that not everyone will like me.  In the past, that bugged the shit out of me.  Everyone always seemed to love my brothers, my sister, my folks...but not me.  I use to think that it was because I was a redhead, because I cried when upset, or a dozen other things.

Figured out something as I have gotten's not me, it's them.  I'm a great person.  I have a big heart.  I can listen to someone's story without comment then to put most anyone at ease with just a few words.

If somebody doesn't like me...well, that's their problem.

No, I'm not everyone's cup of tea.  The people I have in my life, they are the people I need in my life.  There are friends that keep me positive (My big 'sis', my 'sista' and the Big Guy).  There are friends that know just the right things to say to keep me from losing my cool (that's T).  There are friends who find troublemaking just as much fun as I do (right, ERT?).

I have friends who keep me grounded, like my real sister and my other big 'sis', Nicee.  They make sure I don't get too big for my britches, but in good way.  The 'kids' feed my need to be maternal on occasion, though that's not often (thank God!).  The 'kids' think I need to grow up, but why grow up if I don't have to, right?  Being grown up is so overrated!!

I'll be myself.  If you like me, chances are, I like you too.  If you don't like me, sorry about your luck.  I'm not here to please everybody, and I don't want to.  I am going to be me, and that's the best I've got to offer.  I can be your friend (I'm great friend) or I can be your enemy (I'm one hell of an enemy to have, believe me).  I take no shit, and I won't give any.  If I harass you, it's because I like you.  If I'm exceptionally nice to you, it is because Momma always told me if I can't say something nice, say nothing at all.  Considering I'm a talker, it's hard to say nothing at all, so I say something nice.

I have made up my mind.  I am a work in progress, always growing and changing.  My success is dependent on me, my hard work and my attitude.  If you don't like me or my problem.  Find someone else to pay attention to, because this woman ain't changing her goals or her attitude to accommodate anyone but herself.  I did that for too long, and I won't do it again.      


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Always Remember, Never Forget

Change is good.  Change is necessary.  To be static, to be stationary, is to be dead.

But, change is not always welcome..  I was thinking how the world has changed since I was a girl.  Today's anniversary stands out in my mind.  Today is a day of remembrance.  It was and is a very sad day for this nation...for the world.

Humanity lost so much on 9/11/01, not just 3000 lives.  We lost a part of our collective soul.  That such a small group of men could create such devastation and horror, a piece of what makes us caring beings disappeared that day.

Use of something that is as everyday as an airplane, they flew over all the time.  We thought nothing of it, until that late summer day in NYC.  On that day, and for many days to come, every flying machine was suspect.  We searched the skies, waiting for the next attack.  We lived in fear.

Where I live in the Mid Atlantic, it's just a few hours drive from every location attacked that day.  Have I gone to any of the memorials?  No, I haven't.  It is very likely I won't ever go.  I honor the lost lives, but to go to those locations would be destructive to my innermost being.  The replays of the plane crashing into the South Tower and the resulting fireball; billowing dust and debris as one tower, then the other fell; the days, weeks of news coverage, rescue, so many others here and around the world, I was haunted by those images.  I would close my eyes and see them over & over again.  Granted, I am extremely sensitive to anything even remotely similar to those images.  That day started several weeks of bad dreams and the addition of anxiety medication, because, though I had lost no one...I felt as though each soul lost was someone I loved.  

Not only did my heart break for those lost and their families, but for all of those who had to participate in the search and rescue, and the search and recovery efforts.  Searching for the injured, dying and dead, in the rubble of such a great tragedy, it is no wonder those brave people still struggle today with the unresolved emotions that horrible time brought.

I miss the national closeness of that time after 9/11.  For a while, our nation was a land filled with people joined in a common cause.  That is all gone now.  We have such divisiveness on every level in our country.  So many trying  to change the very foundations of our great home.  Gone are the flags hanging proudly from nearly every small town porch (and many big towns too).  Gone are the warm smiles at strangers.  We are back to distrust and no sympathy.

The planes fly again over my little hometown, making their trails across the sky, with lights that blink in the darkness of night.  The military jets that flew constantly in this region after the tragedy have been directed somewhere else.  "They" built or are building grand memorials but today, I will ignore the memorial grounds for something much more personal like a few minutes of quiet time, giving thanks, asking why and praying for strength for those that still fight the horror.  The nightmares will not bother me because I will not tempt fate by watching any of the programs the networks show (if they even program for it).  I will remember.  I will not forget.  This day is bolted into my heart like it is to the national consciousness.  

I will thank God for one other thing today...for my brother who came home from the hospital.  Today is his birthday.  After this weekend's scare, whether we are friends or not, he is my big brother and I love him very much.  Happy birthday, Bro!  Here's to at least another 30!! :)

Monday, September 9, 2013

For my Positive People

To some very important people (Big Guy, Sis & my Sista), I must apologize.  I have let the past week of crappy occurrences really affect my attitude.  For that, I am truly sorry!  You all know my history, and you all know that this transition to a more positive life has not been easy.

I am legitimately a work in progress.  Overcoming 40 some years of mostly negative input and output can be difficult to beat some days.  I know that some of you find me being critical of myself and my life hard to take...and I'm sorry that I've made that happen.  I do not like causing issues for anyone.  I am sincerely sorry, my beautiful friends.  You are the only reason I have made it as far as I have on the road to being permanently positive in my life.

I have learned on this adventure, I need to surround myself with people that are totally looking at life from a blessed point of view.  Counting blessings, counting the good things, being positive...these things are becoming second nature to me.  Now and then, I still need to vent the 'bad' feelings that rise up.  It's not something I'm proud of, and it's not something I purposely try to inflict upon anyone else...especially not the circle of people who have quickly become my mentors in this venture.

Your kind words, your support, your good natured teasing...they are all things that push me back to the right track.  I do not want to be the Eeyore that it seems I have always been.  I want to be more like Pooh-bear or better, Tigger - enthusiastic about life; joyous about my journey.

Finding the light path sometimes requires I get direction from someone I consider important to my travels in life.  Big Guy, Sis & my Sista, y'all have been a godsend!  I can only pray that you will hang in there with me, and remember that when I hit a moment of down, it is not a reflection on you.  It is strictly a reflection of the turmoil that is running through my head, my heart and my soul at that moment.  Rather than turn that conflict inward, I have learned to write it out and get it out of my system.  It helps me to let folks know that 'things' may not be peachy, but I'm working on it.

Stick with me, my compassionate companions, please?  You have made my life so much better than it was last year this time.  I will be successful.  I will be the best me that I can be.  With my determination, my drive and your support, I have all I need to make it happen.    


There are things that are inevitable in life.  If you want to live, you must breathe.  If you want to stay out of jail, you have to pay your taxes.

If you make it from yesterday to today, you are getting older.

It is completely unavoidable.  We get old.  Average lifespan of an American woman is 81 years.  Average lifespan for a man is 76.  

I never had a problem with getting older.  The gray hair, it can be colored.  The health issues can be improved by taking control of your diet and getting some exercise.  Getting older is like banking experience to be used at a later date.  

Some recent events have served to remind me just how old I truly am, reminders that some things are best left to the young, because it doesn't matter if you are only young at heart.  Age is a valuable factor in many areas of existence.  

Prospective employers do not want experienced prospects.  They don't want to pay the money they assume you want and they want to train someone in their way of doing things.  So, the more years you have under your belt, the harder it is to find a new job.  

Friends and family start falling away because of illness and death.  On route to my current age of 46, I have lost too many friends much too early.  While they were not given the chance to become middle aged, I have.  Too many friends gone, leaving behind spouses and children with an empty space in their heart they will never fill, and will never heal.  We lose loved ones, such as parents and grandparents.  I have been totally without any grandparents since 2006.  I have been without my dad since 2011.  I still have my mom and I love her dearly, even when we are not getting along very well.  

Another thing that aging makes more pronounced is loneliness.  

I'm not a serial dater, and never have been.  I've had a few fellas I've kept company with over the years.  Not one of them was anything serious.  Now that I am older, I find that guys my age (or not my age) are not looking at women like me.  They are looking at the PYT's out there in tiny skirts to show off their long legs and perfect asses.  Fellas like those sorts of things.  Substance is only required after they have explored the physical side of things.  

Meanwhile, women like me continue to collect dust and bric-a-brac, counting the days that pass, wondering where exactly we lost our opportunity to have what so many others gain everyday.  We diet.  We exercise.  We improve our health, our attitude, our looks...and we still sit alone when we go out to eat.  We choose to not go to the movies because movies are no fun by yourself.  We don't go out on Saturday night because it gets depressing to watch all the PYT's striking it lucky and walking out the door with their latest conquest.

I look in the mirror.  I swear I don't feel as old as I look, and I don't look all that old.  I am a beautiful woman.  For the guys looking for tall and tiny, which seems to be all of them, I definitely am of no interest.  5 foot 3 inches most assuredly indicates that my legs are short.  Tiny skirts do not do a thing for someone like me, except maybe make me look desperate.  I may feel that way, but I certainly am not gonna be anyone's mercy fuck, lol.  Worse yet, I refuse to set myself up to be rejected time after time by men whose only interest is younger, prettier, tinier, with a rack to kill for.    

Guys will take the time to buff and polish a classic car, but have no need for a classic chick like me.  The 'boys' (and I mean any of them) want the girls that are like new cars: not a scratch on them; no flaws; no character.  The ones that purr like a kitten and have no opinions of their own.  It is angering, frustrating, humiliating.

The only recompense is that someday, those PYT's will get older too.  They will get looked over because of the new generation of teeny boppers.  I have to suppress an evil grin and a bit of a snicker.  I may not be 'getting lucky, but they won't be either. LOL!!

If men ever change their modus operandi and start looking for some actual substance, I may stand a chance.  My luck, I'll be too damn old to give a shit.

I wonder how damn accurate that average lifespan thing is.  81 yrs old seems like an incredible distance in the future.  Don't know that I'm looking forward to hanging out to my early 80's, not if I have to do it by myself.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

F'ng up your day

I've had a few days that have been rather hard to handle
emotionally.  Not that I've been any kind of a wreck, by no means, just hurting.  There's been some conflict in my life because of 'friends'.  I've found myself once again struggling to make sense of feelings that are confused at best.  

I am a strong woman.  Some have accused me of being hard and cold.  I learned some harsh lessons in my life.  I had chosen to forget some of those experiences, and got reminded recently that I should keep those lessons very close to my heart.

I have worked very hard to become a more positive person.  I have tried to release much of the negativity that has constantly followed me through my life.  But, my own personal emergency broadcast system keeps going off, reminding that sometimes it is better to just close down the shop, board up the doors and call it a day.  The games people play with others are not something I am into or deal with very well.  

I have a tendency to become very angry, but to turn it in on myself.  I know that locking down and keeping things inside is not a good habit.  It not only leads to things like depression, but exacerbates health problems like high blood pressure.  Guess who has high blood pressure, even with all the weight she has lost?.  

I don't have anyone close by that I feel comfortable opening up to completely...not anymore.  But then, I've never really completely opened up to anyone.  It's against my nature, and goes against every protective measure I have ever had to take in my life.  

There is someone I started to open to recently.  That is part of the reason why I am hurting now.  It's an ugly thing when you are made to feel like nothing.   Whether that was the intention or not, that was the result.  It's not the first time it's happened.  If I have anything at all to do with it, it will not happen again.  

I will not succumb to the anger and pain.  I will not fall apart.  I will use it to make my heart tougher than sun-cured leather.  I will use it to motivate me to be the version of me that will always survive.  The ones who have brought on this spate of hurt will learn quickly, I will not be broken by their cruelty.  I will use it to plug the holes in my armor, encasing my heart in diamond, so nothing gets thing and no one.  If I have to play again, I'm gonna bring it, big league style.  The beautiful ones, the ones that care for nothing and no one...the bell has rung and it's a submission match only. 

The bitch is back.  She is pissed.  She does not lose.   

Thursday, September 5, 2013


 I feel like running away.

Pack a bag or two, throw them in the car, light a cigarette and just drive.  Go anywhere, just to not be here.

I'd be missed, by someone...sometime...maybe...possibly...

I've always had a bit of a restless soul.  A friend of mine use to tell me it was because my soul had been this way too many times before.  It couldn't sit still for long.

I use to satisfy the need to wander by long drives late at night.  No traffic, just me, the radio and the road.  Sometimes I would find myself sitting at a local valley overlook, wondering what the fuck am I still doing here in this little bumfuck town?  The sensible side of my soul says something lame like this is home.

Tonight, even the sensible side says maybe it is time to find another place to go.

Go where?  I don't know.  It would have to be a trip similar to On The Road (Jack Kerouac's classic).  It would be town to town, stop by stop.  The primary differences would be I have a car, and the road is much more dangerous.

Truly, there has to be somewhere better than this place that I have called home all of my life.  Has to be...

God, please tell me there is somewhere better than here!!

I know it is a childish, tantrum-like way to react.  I try hard to remain positive and upbeat, but rejection #7 in the job interview department makes me want to cut n run from this place.  There seems to be no options available for me.  I apply.  I interview.  I get the unceremonious "fuck u" letter saying I'm not good enough from previously potential employers turned massive asshole "big money" corporation.

I'm tired of it already, and I've only been looking since June.  I don't know how people who have been unemployed for so much longer do it.  I really don't!  The same jobs appear on the dozen job search programs I use.  How many fuckin' times do I have to apply to get a response??

I wish I were like an owl (my spirit animal) or the red tail hawk and just fly away.  Not worry about anything but locating my next meal and finding shelter when needed.  I'm sick of feeling tied to a place that keeps me feeling less than who I really am.

Why do I have to fit into their mold?  Why do I have to be like they want me to be?  Why can't I just be myself?  How can I feel alive when everything here is geared for those just waiting to die?

I am so tired of it.  I'm tired of this place, tired of still feeling obligated to be the dutiful daughter, the patient sister, the polite old maid.

When do I get to have an actual life?  When do I get to soar into the clouds?  When do I get to live?

Monday, September 2, 2013

Managing Time

I am a god awful procrastinator.  I put off everything.  I hate doing anything today that I might be able to get away with doing tomorrow.  I have done it for years.  It is a horrible, horrible habit.  My family jokes (well, kinda jokes) that I will show up late for my own funeral.  Truth be told, I probably will.  They'll lose my ashes or something and I will not be present for part of my own memorial services.  Worse yet, I could see my entire body being misplaced or some shit like that, before they even cremate me.

I'm not the only person in my family that has been said about though.  My one older brother has the same tendency.  He was late to his wedding years ago.  Now, in his defense, he had a severe nosebleed (was that a clue??) that started about the time he was leaving for the church.  He spent about half n hour trying to get it to stop, which got him to the church well passed the time he was to be there for pictures.

Where did I get this habit?  I would suspect I got my habit from my daddy.  He had a way of starting projects and never getting them done.  My mother's bedroom she uses now is an example of one of those projects.  Pop started, and got about half finished, an addition to the back of our home place.  It is two floors, and from the outside it looks done.  On the inside of the house, the first floor bedroom he was adding has no heat, unless you count the woodstove in the basement.  There is no sheetrock on the walls.  There is no sheetrock or tiles on the ceiling.  The floor is just plywood, painted green by my sister years ago.  It is all open structure on the inside.  You can see the floor joists for the second floor while you lie on my mom's bed.  The sheets of drywall are neatly stacked on edge along the wall, just waiting for someone to hang them.  There is even an area that was suppose to become a small bathroom that has never had plumbing run to it.  Mom uses it as a closet and storage area of sorts.

The second floor is even worse.  There is a much larger bathroom area that has at least had a bathtub installed, but no plumbing.  There is no insulation, no drywall, no ceiling anything.  In fact, there are some places that are still actually open to the out of doors.  No joke!!  

Home is filled with evidence of my daddy's terrible time management skills.  He worked two or three jobs at a time.  When he would start a project, Mom would always ask him to please make sure it got completed.  He would promise, and it never happened.  The only project that my father ever completed was creating his children and earning a paycheck.  It isn't funny, but I have to chuckle.

I am so much like him when it comes to getting things done, especially about my schoolwork.  I am very quickly discovering that I cannot keep putting everything about my schoolwork off till the weekend.  If I do that, I end up turning in my work an hour or two late, which causes me to lose points.
I have never been good a managing time.  I plan on leaving early, to get to appointments early.  Usually, I end up walking in right when I am supposed to be there.  Occasionally, I am even late to appointments.  Being an insomniac and regularly not sleeping properly, if at all, has made it likely that at least twice a year, I will completely sleep through an alarm clock going off.  Then I am totally late to wherever, be it work, a doctor's appointment...whatever.

Time management is a valuable tool to do the kind of work that I have always done.  Talking on the telephone for a living, in a huge call center, requires that I be able to handle most customer calls within a set number of minutes.  It is referred to as talk time.  Talk time is a component of handle time, which also includes what is often labeled aftercall, when you note the account record and complete any forms or paperwork for the telephone call.  With exception to two months, way back in 1996, I have never met handle time at either of my call center positions.  The only reason I met handle time those two months is because the manager I had at the time had challenged me and then pissed me off to the point where I became the queen of short-n-sweet during my customer interactions.  I became what I hate about calling customer service numbers.  I became the bitchiest service rep in the building.  It literally made me ill, being short to the people that spoke with me.  But, I successfully met and beat the gauntlet thrown down by my upstart manager.  He was thrilled until he reviewed my recorded phone calls for the quality component of our monthly scores.  Needless to say, he was not pleased then.

I know that it is a matter of recreating a habit.  Changing from someone who puts everything off to the last minute to someone who gets the work or phone calls done on time requires that I alter years of very bad actions.  So far, I have not been successful.  I spent all night and all day completing the reading and the assignments for BOTH classes I have this session.  Of the three assignments each for both classes, two of the three were submitted on time, barely, but on time.  The remaining projects, both essays, were turned in after the deadline.  That means, I lose points off the assignment when it is graded by the instructor.  For someone who is very particular about grade point average, that is not a good thing.

Even though I knew I was behind on getting my work done, I still fiddled around with completing it.  I guess I'm a glutton for punishment.  Add to it the fact that I remembered on Saturday, August 31st that the annual inspection on my car was to run out at midnight that night...yep, yep, guessed it.  I am without a vehicle until I can get Percy inspected by my mechanic.  Lucky for me, my mechanic is pretty good about fitting me in when I do something like this because this ain't the first time.  As organized as I can be, I have had this happen before.  It has happened numerous times.  It will require that I drive illegally to the garage someday this coming week, where I will have to sit and wait until my wonderful mechanic can complete the annual inspection.  It is my own fault, I know.  It is still frustrating for me and for anyone else impacted by my chronic behavior.

So, how do I fix this issue?  Truthfully, it is a simple resolution.  I need to stop.  I need to change my habit.  I know that, and have always known that.  Yet I continue to put things off.  With all the positive changes I have made, this change has been one I have not been able to make stick.  The other is quitting smoking.  That's even worse.  Do I need to make these changes?  Absolutely!!  Discontinuing my decades of procrastination and quitting smoking are both important.  Can I do it?  Sure I can!  Will I do it?

Ask me tomorrow...